Spark Plug: A “Health Check Window” for your engine

We all know maintaining a healthy sparkplug is utmost priority for trouble free riding, But Sparkplug is a window unless like a health check of your engine’s health. Visually inspecting spark plugs will not only display symptoms and conditions of the engine’s performance but one can find the root cause of many problems, or to determine high fuel consumption in engine.

Some of the most common conditions of spark plugs are:

  • Normal Condition: If you find ceramic insulator of your spark plug is light brown or light gray in color, It’s is in good condition and is functioning optimally.

Clean the Sparkplug and reinstall. Your engine is in healthy condition.
  • Fuel fouled: In this condition, Carbon fouls on the ceramic insulator projection and on both of the electrodes. It may have sometime shiny tip or Oily tip. This is a symptom of rich fuel mixture (High Fuel consumption) in combustion chamber which may further lead to electricity leaks through the fouled carbon, causing spark plug misfire and other ignition problems.

Clean or Replace the Sparkplug.

Check: Air filter, Quality of fuel & correct Air-fuel mixture

  • Overheating: If both the electrodes and ceramic insulator in spark plug appears white in color, it shows that spark plug is overheated. It generally occurs due to lean air fuel mixture. In this case sometimes ashes get deposited on the insulator tip causing pre ignition and melting of electrode tip with glossy appearance.

Replace the Sparkplug.

Check: Recommended Spark plug, Quality of fuel & correct Air-fuel mixture

  • Deposite: Thiss may be result of Oil leakage, fuel quality and the engine’s operating duration will influence the accumulation of deposits.

One thought on “Spark Plug: A “Health Check Window” for your engine”

  1. manitor says:

    Thanks for the info

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