Mileage… One of the most important aspect for us to select a product. But after purchasing it many of us are not at all happy for not getting the expected mileage. Many of us complaints for that and dealers use some tricky methods and show good mileage from the same vehicle and make us agree that vehicle is giving good mileage and we settle down with the reply.
But actually it is not like that….. So firstly let us understand the correct way of checking vehicle mileage. If you own a Bike, the best way to check your mileage is Reserve Method whereas for Scooters the best way is Full Tank method.
In Reserve Method firstly you need to note down the KM reading of Odometer (A) at which your vehicle came to reserve. Now get your tank filled up for a whole quantity (1L, 2L etc) so that it come in main fuel supply again. Ride your vehicle till it again come to reserve. Note down the Final KM reading of Odometer (B).
According to the formula…
Mileage= Final KM Reading (B) – Initial KM Reading (A)
If you own a scooter, the best way to calculate your mileage is full tank method as it is quite simpler. In this method first you need to get your fuel tank filled till neck and note down the Initial KM reading of Odometer (A). Ride your vehicle as usual for at least 50 kms. Again get your fuel tank filled till neck and note down the Final KM reading of Odometer (B). But wait… this time you have to note down that how much fuel is consumed in refilling tank as previous. Now as per mileage formula…
The average you get in the above test is the actual practical mileage of your vehicle. Mileasge of a vehicle is largly depends on your riding style, riding condition and most importantly on your vehicle condition. You can considerably increase your vehicle mileage and performance by maintaining good condition of your vehicle which includes:
- Timely Service
- Changing Engine Oil and Oil filters at recommended intervals.
- Maintaining Healthy condition of Spark Plug
- Maintaining Healthy condition of Air filter (Cleaning and replacing at recommended intervals)
- Maintaining Correct Tyre Pressure
- Adjusting and Lubricating Drive Chain
Apart from this some changes in riding habits is also beneficial in getting better mileage….. Some of them are:
- Avoid using excess Choke
- Avoid Overloading
- Avoid sudden acceleration and braking
- Avoid excess use of Clutch and Brake
- Powering off vehicle at traffic lights
- Correct route selection (Avoid heavy traffic)
- Prefer to ride in Economy mode, Avoid overspeeding.
- Choosing right fuel quality and getting exact quantity.
- Aerodynamic Riding posture