BS-IV: A sensational change in auto market

We must be thinking what BS-IV is and of course it was very trending a way back as companies were offering a heavy discount on the products, so let’s know what is BS-IV.

BS-IV or say BHARAT STAGE 4 is 4th phase of Bharat Stage Emission Standards which regulates the emission of air pollutants from IC Engines.

Firstly introduced in 1990 with increase in Air Pollution, the introduction of unleaded petrol was made mandatory. Later in 2000, Honorable Supreme court of India made mandatory to follow “Euro Norms” which was European emission norms. Simultaneously “India 2000” norms was introduced. Government made plans to regulate emission norms in phased manner. Later BS-II and BS-III norms were introduced in year 2005 and 2010 respectively. All it worked for reduction of air pollutants like CO, HC & NOx which are toxic gases responsible for many health hazards.

In Apr 2017, BS-IV norms was incorporated making emission norms stricter. The auto manufacturers were already informed 2 years prior for the change in emission norms. The Government had clearly mentioned that vehicle not meeting BS-IV standards can’t be manufactured after 31st Mar 2017. It forced automakers to develop new technologies to lower down air pollutants as air pollution situation is already high countrywide and at alarming situation in major cities causing respiratory and cardio vascular problems.

In 2016 government had already announced to introduce BS-VI norms by 2020 skipping BS-V norms for making Better India and air safer for future generations.

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